A Complete Guide On How To Check Travel Ban in UAE – Cosco Travel Online

travel ban uae

The United Arab Emirates is among those countries where international travelers have a worthy experience of visiting various tourist destinations. Emirati travelers often take flights in and out of the country. But in between all the chaos, have you ever wondered whether you are currently subject to a travel ban before departing? If yes, you must read this article to explore more about checking your travel ban status in the UAE with your passport number and other ways. For more such details, keep visiting us frequently.

How we can check UAE travel ban status 

Every year, thousands and thousands of visitors come to visit UAE from worldwide. These tourists contribute to the country’s increased economic growth in various sectors. Besides that, it elevates the potential risk of non-citizens exiting the country to avoid legal concerns. The UAE government has introduced a few security measures to overcome this legal risk. The administration has imposed a travel ban upon some residents under several circumstances. All the residents concerned about facing challenges when traveling to and from the UAE can check the travel ban status in Dubai and other emirates.

What comes if you have a UAE travel ban?

Now the question is, what can happen if you are facing this ban? The UAE immigration travel ban restricts travelers from crossing the UAE’s borders. You cannot enter, re-enter, or exit through any mode of transportation only if you meet the particular requirements needed to lift the ban. Hopefully, now you understand what a travel ban in the UAE means. The travelers must check their status of UAE immigration if they suspect a travel ban has been imposed on them. It will save you from unfavorable situations at the airport.

Main Reasons for the travel ban in the UAE

The government can impose a travel ban in the UAE on travelers for many reasons. We have listed some usual reasons below.

  • In case a criminal investigation is going on.
  • If immigration laws are violated.
  • If financial debts are due.
  • If there is a rent dispute.
  • If the job is done without having a valid work permit.
  • If the visa duration is over.
  • If an exit is made without informing the employer and canceling the work permit.
  • If there is a global outbreak of a disease.

How do you check the travel ban in the UAE? 

In this section, we will guide the readers on how to check the UAE’s travel ban status with passport numbers or other possible ways. Keep reading the article till the end. 

Common and easy methods to check travel ban status in Dubai

So, the residents have the following options to check for the UAE immigration travel ban. They can choose any way to check their status.

  • Via Dubai Police.
  • Via a Lawyer.

Via Dubai Police.

You will get two options if you want to contact the police to check the possibility of a travel ban. These two are described below.

  • Via Station:

The residents can go to Dubai’s police station to inquire in person if they face a criminal complaint filed against them in financial cases. The stations are open from 07:30 am to 10:00 pm.

  • Via Online Website:

Another way to check the travel ban status is through the official Dubai Police website. Follow the given steps and proceed accordingly.

  1. Open the Dubai Police’s website and go to the “Services” section.
  2. Click the “Criminal Status of Financial Cases” option followed by the “Access Service” option given at the top-left corner.
  3. Lastly, write your name and Emirates ID card number in the given space and click to view the outcome.

Via a Lawyer

The residents can check the possible status of the travel ban by hiring a lawyer who can conduct a thorough check on their behalf. This strategy will be pretty efficient if an arrest warrant is imposed on you. 

How to check Immigration ban status online in Abu Dhabi

Moving on from how to check the travel ban in the UAE here comes the available option for the residents of Abu Dhabi. They can utilize the Estafser e-service to inspect the possibility of a claim filed against them in public prosecution. 

  • Visit the given link: (https://www.adjd.gov.ae/sites/eServices/EN/Pages/Estafser.aspx).
  • Provide your UID/Unified number at the given space and click the “Search” option.
  • Proceed till the process is complete.

Final Words

In conclusion, the process of checking the travel bans in the UAE seems complex, but it is not. Today’s guide contains all the necessary information about it. Remember, Dubai residents can avail of online services, while other emirates can contact the relevant authorities to confirm their travel ban status. Read this information to check your travel ban status in the UAE and have a hassle-free travel experience to the UAE.

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